All that talk about oh, Santa Barbara, I don’t wanna get married there? Oh, Santa Barbara, it’s way too expensive?
Yeah. Well, the expensive part still stands, but. It looks like it’s gonna happen here after all.
What happened? I don’t even know. We looked other places from here to the Bay, and nothing was working out. We liked (well, still like) the Memory Garden in Monterey, but had issues with the city of Monterey itself and the logistics of getting everyone from hotel to venue, etc. Also, this is a silly thing to worry about, but I was worried it would be cold and foggy there. Yes, I realize on the actual wedding day I probably will not give a shit about what is going on outside, but it’s the principle of the thing. And yes, I realize that we are still choosing one beach town over another, but since the coastline here faces south, we tend to get less marine layer.
All of which, of course, is totally glossing over the hands-down biggest incentive to hold the wedding mere blocks from our house: ease of convenience.
Anyway. I think we have it down to choosing between two museums: The Santa Barbara Historical Museum and The Museum of Natural History. One has a way better location, but the other is cheaper, plus they give you tables and chairs as part of the deal.
The funny thing? Out of the whole month of September 2010, only 9/11 remains unbooked at both places. I really didn’t make that happen, I swear.
Stay tuned… In the meantime, here’s a small preview:

gettin' historical, beeyotches