We picked the venue. It’s going to be the Santa Barbara Historical Museum.

The lower courtyard
Happies! It’s what we both loved, but we were hesitant because didn’t love the price. Yet it meets 8 of the 10 things we were originally seeking in a venue, and that is a pretty fantastic success rate. In order to compensate for the hole blown in our budget, I decided to pick up extra freelance work. According to my calculations, I will only have to work 125 additional hours until I earn back the site fee! Yessssss.
The date, however, is still up in the air. It’s a well-established fact that I prefer the 11th, but a couple of weeks ago the coordinator emailed us to say the folks who’d reserved the 18th had canceled. At the time we chose to keep a hold on the 11th, but as the Dude said, certain things have come to light. I found out my grandparents’ Air Force reunion is in Seattle from September 8-11th, and the beau’s parents have a college reunion scheduled for the weekend of the 11th. It would just be easier for them if we moved it to the following weekend.

Door detail
So we’ll have to see. Incredibly, the coordinator doesn’t seem to share my enthusiasm for getting things completely finalized, in the sense that her communication response rate is on par with a jar of molasses on a chilly day. We shall have to wait a few more days before we even know whether we can swoop on the 18th or not.
In other news, lately the beau and I have been all MARRIAGE F-YEAH CAPSLOCK. We’re positively giddy at the prospect of getting hitched to each other. I think making the final decision on the venue helped spur us towards this point. Plans had languished for so long, and now it begins. We have a place and we almost have a date. We’re about to fork over a boatload of cash. Things are coming together. It’s getting real up in here, yo.