You guys probably already know all about this, because you are a smart bunch of imaginary readers. BUT! I shall tell you anyway.
Whenever I’m trying to develop a color palette, I like to start on COLOURlovers. I love that I can search palettes by hexadecimal number (basically, a six-digit color code used on the web and computers), and it will show me all the palettes that include that specific color. But searching by hex number alone doesn’t always guarantee good results, especially if it’s kinda obscure (i.e., if it’s not one of the more “standard” web colors).
Should you encounter hex number FAIL, never fear, for you can simply search by keyword instead (“teal,” “orange,” “retro,” “urban,” “fear,” “apple pie” “autumn,” “marmalade,” and “jazz” were among the ones I tried). You’re able to sort results by a variety of variables, but I usually just leave it set to the default, which is score.
So why am I on about colors today? Like many other things things lately, The Wedding Made Me Do It. Now, I’ve said before that we are not planning on having Colors with a capital C, by which I mean neither the beau nor I are into the super Matchy McMatchpants thing. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have a flexible range of colors with which to work. Right?
I always gravitate towards the blues, greens, and yellows, which explains my attraction to these guys:
I love the vintage feel of the palettes below. Perfect for anyone who tends toward retro (which includes me):
BUT WAIT, there’s moar. The following palettes feel urban to me, and a bit sophisticated, and some are contemporary and some are just a tad classy (which are all the things the beau and I are not, but but I might like them just a smidge anyway, and hell, they’ve gotta be the right look for someone):

Slow Motion
And finally, these struck me as perfect for someone doing autumn or beachy as a wedding theme:
All of the above are searchable on the COLOURlovers website by name, by the way.
OH, and last but not least, I also want to give a shoutout to the 3D color wheel at Colorotate. It takes some playing around to get used to, but it’s strangely addicting (it moves! it spins! whoa!).
That’s a neat tool! I’m heading over there now. Apparently certain members of my family think “teal” means “turquoise.” (NO.)
I like “hippie van.”