I did it. Just today, just now, I ordered that dress. That infernal dress that’s haunted my mind.

You can all laugh now, because I’m pretty sure you guys knew that my endless debate was just noise. Just a large diversionary loop that would bring me right back around to the starting point, which all along was: I like this dress. No other dress will do. I am now admitting publicly that indeed, no other dress will do.

I am settling down. I’ve made a commitment. And boy, does it feel good. It feels like accomplishment. It feels… like I’ve written the plot of my very own romcom. Bear witness:

Girl goes out looking for Dress. Girl flirts with many dresses before she meets this one Dress. One passionate afternoon, she tries Dress on (cover the children’s eyes!). And she likes it. But Dress is out of her league. And Girl worries if Dress is too bohemian for her. Honestly, Girl and Dress run in different circles. Never the twain shall meet, and that should be that, right? Things look grim. Subsequent dresses fail to measure up, though admittedly Girl is not trying very hard anymore. Girl seeks counsel from her oldest friends and strangers in the grocery store checkout line alike. All earnestly inform her that Girl and Dress are Meant To Be. After much hemming and hawing, Girl experiences an epiphany and rushes to Dress. Er, well, or orders Dress on the phone, as it were. Dress and Girl are reunited within 4-6 weeks, depending on availability. A guaranteed lifetime of blissful happiness ensues, for the Universe and the satisfaction of the story-readers deem it so.


So. Now that the logical conclusion has been reached, I once again leave you with this:


They said it was fate all along.