This is my flask. The beau got me this as a Christmas gift the first year we dated. He also gave me sushi plates and liquor-filled chocolates. I guess he knew me pretty well even then.
I’ve found the booze that will go in my flask on my wedding day.
Does that sound bad? Does it sound bad to bust out your own personal supply of booze at your hitchin’? No matter. That’s probably the only job I’ll put my brigadiers in charge of: Flask Management. And babysitting my camera.**
But back to what’s going in the flask: The beau is into liquor infusions. In fact, he just finished infusing Glenfiddich with dates. Yeah, dates. I don’t know where he gets these ideas from, either.
But my most favorite is the cherry-infused Maker’s Mark. The cherries smooth and mellow the bourbon, but it still has bite. Plus, they lend a really kickin’ red color. Observe:
I just hope I don’t dribble on my dress.
Did you plan on packing a flask for the big day?
* You’re welcome, Kimmo.
** I have this improbable plan that, at some point during the ceremony, we will briefly pause so that I can take pictures of our guests sitting out there, staring back at me. Yeah, I know this is weird. But I am weird. Sorry about that.
I should mention first, that your photo of that flask is epic and awesome. Everything a flask should be. I hadn’t thought about it before you mentioned it, I suppose it depends on if we’ll have an open bar or not. But if I had a flask that pretty, I definitely would.
Cherry-infused Maker’s Mark sounds GREAT.
Weird like a FOX!
(I’m all aboard the taking a picture of the guests during the ceremony train. Because I too am weird, but mostly because I have shit for memory, and need pictures for crutches.)
Haha, my husband really wanted to take a picture of our guests during the middle of the ceremony and said he would, but ended up not doing it.
liquor infusions sound verrry interesting! Last summer I discovered a local beer (at Granville Island) that is made with rasberries so it’s pink and has just a touch of rasberry flavour. I’m not much of a beer drinker (and the fiance, as a real beer drinker, was not impressed) but I loved the stuff! Really wanted to have some at the wedding but alas, the rasberry beer season doesn’t begin until later in the summer.
Andrew also went through a kick of infusing vodka. he really really really wants to try a walnut vodka- but supposedly it takes years….
like i can wait THAT long to drink it LOL
I’m a little jealous of your flask and your camera.
yummm… bourbon.
i want to flask it up at our wedding since it’s beer and wine only, but liquor is prohibited 🙁 and since i went to teen court for shoplifting at 13, i’ve been scurred straight.
As far as I’m concerned, holding a flask is the ONLY respectable use of a garter.
We gave our wedding party filled flasks as gifts. It was a tad chilly during the photos, so we kept warm by drinking them, and then to steady nerves pre-ceremony. (One bridesmaid was terrified of walking down the aisle.) Southern Comfort and scotch. Because nothing seems as klassy as chugging soco! Highly recommend a flask or two.
i love it. I’m just picturing the check list: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, something totally declious for my flask. looks awesome but I would definetly spill it all over myself. One year for Halloween I amde a kickass She-ra costume and proceeded to spill some lame dacquiri all over myself within minutes of the party starting. I am a mess
um, perhaps i shall be in charge of your camera and leave the flask to others. because you know my love of cherries + bourbon, and so i might just drink the entire thing if left to my own devices.
and thanks, lynner. i giggled as soon as i saw the title in my blog reader.
Do I plan on packing a flask? No. I was planning on lugging around a bottle of bubbly for myself (and myself only). I feel bubbly is too frufru for a flask. But I might have to reconsider my position, given the fact that I might look a little trashy traipsing around with a bottle in tow. Such wedding day choices we have to make.
We’re only supposed to have beer and wine at the venue. I have interpreted this to mean I obviously get a flask then. Right?
Yes, of course. Perhaps two of them, even. Preparedness and all that.
Liquor infusions? Um, yum. I don’t really know what that means, but I’ll drink some. Your drink looks tasty and pretty.
And damn straight am I bringing my own booze. I can’t must have my champagne in the morning. No if, ands, or buts about it.
some people might say that is a terrible way to treat whiskey (I’m thinking of my husband) but I would say that is a terrible way to get me to start drinking whiskey! damn!
and I totally wish I had taken pics at my own wedding, although, I constantly had a full champagne glass in my hand so, that wasn’t problem so much as finishing one.
and by the way, you have now made it to my top reads list on my blog. sure sure I have a full page of wedding links, but you miss, have made my front page top nine.