Cannot navigate rooms. House has become Boxtown, USA.
And Bagtown, too. Can’t forget about your bags. Or they may riot due to underrepresentation.
Speaking of underrepresentation, I’ll bet my local perennial woody plants wished they had a political voice, because yesterday I came home to this:

Note: there used to be a whole tree here on the side of our house, right in the middle of that sawdust.
Thanks for your “landscaping,” rental manager! How did you know I hated trees?!
As with anything else in life, I can break this new development down into a pro/con list.
- Wow, we have an expanded view of the mountains!
- No shade on house = hot house. Here in California, they apparently don’t believe in pesky things like insulation. Our poor casa needs all the help it can get.
- I actually had this thought: OMG, the wedding is next week! And now when people come to our house, this is the first impression they’ll get!
For the sake of comparison, here is a visual approximation of how the front of my house used to look:
Except… you know. With actual leaves and stuff.
Yesterday, in addition to picking up my dress from the alterations place, I received the last bit of my wedding accoutrements in the mail. They are strange. And by “strange” I mean “not bridal.” And by “not bridal” I mean, here’s a picture:
I must admit I was a little unnerved by this unbridalness. So unnerved that I have been very reluctant to share my accoutrements with anyone. I mean, okay, brightly colored shoes have arguably become an acceptable thing in the wedding world, lately. But hello, buttons instead of pearls or diamonds? In my head, I can already hear the naysayers gasping. But then I realized something: I have different tastes, and that’s okay. Everyone has different tastes. I need to own that instead of being embarrassed that my appearance doesn’t conform to some standard I have in my head.* What it all basically boiled down to is that I bought what I liked. That has been the driving force behind the entire wedding, actually — the beau and I simply bought or chose what we liked, even if it didn’t match anything else — so it’s fitting that I rolled with that same philosophy here.
Bonus: the button necklace was only $30. Custom-made.
In other news, my mother called me today. A snippet of our conversation follows:
Me (with just a touch of “poor me” whine): “Maaaa,** I got the stomach flu!”
Mom: “Aww shoot, sweetie.”
Me: “No, Mom. Not shoot. Shit is more appropriate here. This kind of occasion calls for cussing.”
Mom (indulgently): “Aww shit, mofo.”
At least she has a sense of humor.
* Like nearly everyone else on planet earth, I have problems being myself sometimes.
** I call my mom “Ma” sometimes, like my dad called his mother. I think of it fondly as a midwestern thing, even if it isn’t.
Shit indeed. You’re really just not getting the easy road here are you? Your previous list and then stomach flu? AND tree annihilation? On the positive side though, yay for pretty wedding accessories! They are gorgeous. I love the hair fascinator and the necklace is going to be great. Not to mention the coveted blue flats! And don’t you worry your pretty little head at all over having something less traditional (sorry, I was just watching a lot of Mad Men) – it will all work perfectly with your floaty dress!
P.S. your Ma is hilarious.
wow, someone got carried away with the clippers huh? every tree in my backyard as a kid looked like that whenever my dad decided it was time for some “pruning”. Well, not great but what the hell, who cares?! you’re getting married!
also, your unbridalness and your mom are cool.
ahhh the final countdown! your house is still super duper cute without the trees. plus, maybe your relatives hate trees, too. it’s probably a weird genetic tree-hating thing.
also, i love your bridal stuff, even if it’s “non bridal,” which I think it’s not. It’s pretty.
good luck with the next week! i will probably be a bit distracted next saturday to think of you… so i’ll send good thoughts your way beforehand.
Your acoutremonts are sofreakingcute. I love that button necklace.
And I want to have a drink with your mom, do sho.
I have an unhealthy love of all your bridal accessories. Especially together. And yes, they are bridal accessories because you’ll be wearing them as a bride. (Also, I WANT those shoes and necklace sosomuch.)
Whoa… okay, the shoes? Where did you get them?! I was totally looking for shoes like that. And I wish I had the guts to wear a fun feather fascinator, but I’m pretty sure my hair is going to end up exactly like it is every day. And screw makeup, because it makes me break out. Everybody’s got their own little unbride-y touches to their day 🙂
Hooray! Zay are Seychelles Flamingo shoes. I got ’em on Zappos here:
But if your size isn’t available try searching for them online, or on the Seychelles website:
Ha! I totally LOL’d at your tree depiction photo.
I LOVE all your acoutremonts together! They compliment each other so well…and they will be “bridal” because YOU will be wearing them! 🙂
Love your button-necklace and your non-bridal accessories. Yikes about the tree. At least, your house is just as charming without it…for the wedding. (bright side)
Good luck, it’s coming up quickly!
In the sentiment of the whole lemons/lemonade thing, have you considered options for jazzing up those stumps? Wrapping them in garland and placing knicknacks on top? Perching small children dressed as angels up there so they can sprinkle glitter on the heads of all your guests as they enter the house? Hmm…
Your blog always has me in stitches, but the rendering of before-the-tree-was-massacred had me in tears. My trees are also being violated every time I turn my back, so I can relate… maybe post some Have You Seen Me posters with pics of your treetop? 🙂
I don’t mean to be insensitive or to laugh at your pain, but your before rendering of your front yard is just hysterical.
Of course, with my teal blue obsession, I whole-love your accessories right down to your knit wrap and button necklace.
woah! Hello frickin adorable accoutrements! LOVE LOVE LOVE! LOVE! Damn, I can’t get any more caps than that. But they all look amazing and go so well together! Whoever those naysayers are, they can suck on the awesomeness of your accoutrements.
Ok, your accessories are holycrapawesome. Looking at them, and seeing you say you picked them because you like them and they’re you, I can come to one conclusion … not only do you have FANTASTIC taste, but you’re one pretty fantastic lady.
Also … ::hugs:: on getting sick. I was sick (as in the sleeping-16-hours-a-day type of sick) the week before my wedding, complete with voice loss. I was TERRIFIED I wouldn’t be able to say my vows. Day of, I was still sick … but I didn’t notice it because there were so many other wonderful things to focus on.
I love love love your wedding accessories. Especially the shoes. And less bridaly wedding accessories will make you look and feel more like you in a wedding dress. So many people get all done up for their wedding and end up looking nothing like themselves.
Also. We have a butterfly bush in our side yard, that I actually planted because there were was nothing growing on that side of the house when we moved in, but every time it is almost ready to bloom the landscapers hired by our landlord hack the thing into a perfect rectangle and cut off every single flower bud. It is frustrating having no control over how the outside of your house looks. The good news is that your house, especially your porch is gorgeous. People will be distracted by the cuteness of the porch and wont notice the tree nubs.
I really like your accessories (especially the shoes and feather!). sorry to hear about the tree carnage! you should plant a garden with the crazy sun you will be getting there now!
But your accoutrements are soooooooo cute! How could you ever think that they aren’t good enough? You love them, I love them. You will rock them! Oh the cute little buttons are adorable.
And what in the world was your landlord thinking? Is this person blind?
I totally think your accoutrements are super cute! and by my calculations you should be married about now or very very soon. hooray! congratulations!! and a couple more !!!!!!
also, super-cute house, sorry about the tree. I love your before and after depiction.
I had to comment on the ‘mofo’ business . . . although what to say about it, I’m not really sure. So we’ll leave it at that.
Also — WEIRD about the tree, notably because that just happened to us a few weeks ago! I opened the front door and the top half of the tree had been chopped. Kind of shocking, since the tree was a little spindly thing anyway, and wasn’t really near anything else. (Of course, himself didn’t even notice.)