Year: 2010

where the brides fall down like rain

That cold I had last week? Turned into a sinus infection. So that was really fun, except for the fact that it wasn’t any fun at all. On Saturday I dragged my pitiful self to the birthday celebration of one of my best...

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i’m keeping this in mind

When I start to feel overwhelmed by the planning process, I try to think of the beau’s parents. At the time they decided to get married, the beau’s mom was working in the Bay Area while his dad was stationed upstate as a...

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i’m ready

So Ted Olson’s (surprising, yes) legal crusade for gay marriage is way old news, but while at the gym yesterday I came across an article he wrote that was published in January 18th issue of Newsweek. His definition of...

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DIY in the real world is pretty self-explanatory: Some things you do yourself, instead of hiring someone else to do them. What exactly you choose to do yourself depends on a myriad of factors, including budget, tools, time, and...

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